"The Thai Deaf Association" abbreviated as S.T.A.
The association's logo is as follows: a Thai pattern symbol with the abbreviation "Sahath"; a globe symbol, meaning cooperation with foreign countries; a map of Thailand symbolizing the deaf organization in Thailand; an ear symbolizing deaf people; and a hand symbolizing the promotion and support of the use of sign language. All of these symbols are placed in a rectangular frame.
With letters outside the square box that say "NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF IN THAILAND"
Association Vision
Vision: "Promote, support, develop, access and understand deaf and hard of hearing people and those involved"
The association's main office is located at No. 1/8-9 Soi On Nut 64, On Nut Subdistrict, Suan Luang District, Bangkok 10250.
Telephone 0-2012-7459 Email info@nadt.or.th Website http://www.nadt.or.th
Expected benefits
1. The Association has the potential to effectively manage and administer the Association.
2. The association network can develop services for the deaf systematically and efficiently.
3. The Association has service standards and association management in accordance with the standards of organizations for the disabled.
4. Provincial Deaf Organization Network Deaf people and service recipients from the association have developed their potential and have a better quality of life.
Video clips
Organizational objectives
1. Promote the establishment and strengthening of provincial deaf associations or clubs in every province.
2. Promote and protect the rights of deaf and hard of hearing people.
3. Promote, support and provide assistance in developing potential in careers, employment, education, public health, welfare and organization.
Necessary facilities for the deaf and hard of hearing to enable them to work and sell all types of lottery tickets at the Government Lottery Office or the government.
Printed for sale
4. Promote the exchange of knowledge, experiences and opinions among deaf and hard of hearing people or with the general society.
5. Promote the coordination and strengthening of the network of deaf organizations nationwide.
6. Develop Thai sign language and promote the provision of sign language interpreter services more widely.
7. Cooperate with government agencies, private organizations, or organizations of disabled people both domestically and internationally, without involving politics.
8. Promote the general public to have correct knowledge and understanding of the culture of deaf and hard of hearing people.
Expected benefits
1. The Association has the potential to effectively manage and administer the Association.
2. The association network can develop services for the deaf systematically and efficiently.
3. The Association has service standards and association management in accordance with the standards of organizations for the disabled.
4. Provincial Deaf Organization Network Deaf people and service recipients from the association have developed their potential and have a better quality of life.